Board of Directors of Heat Treatment Industrialists’ Association (MISAD) visited Erdal Bahçıvan, the Chairperson of Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ICI). Sabahattin Özen, the Deputy Chairperson of Board of Directors, Murat Çelik, the Accountant Member of Board of Directors and Melih Yüksel, Hasan Yücel Yılmaz, Abdullah Akalın and Yılmaz Türe, the Members of Board of Directors took place in the board of MISAD.
Having shared information about the structure of the association, general targets and study commissions, the Board of Directors members continued their negotiations about their expectations from ICI directorate which they focused on.Aiming to launch a “heat treatment” class in vocational high schools, the administration of association emphasized the importance of the cooperation by discussing the bureaucratic problems.
Stating that they can receive any support by ICI for the 4th International Mediterranean Heat Treatment Symposium to be realized in 2019 with International Heat Treatment Federation, following the notification about what the association has realized so far and what it will realize from now on with his own words, he emphasized that the chambers actually belong to the industrialists.
Opinions were shared mutually in the meeting regarding the sector. Koray Yavuz, the Chairperson of MISAD said that the first entrepreneurs actually were the ones who had not been educated for engineering.Stating that the facilities operating in the sector now are reflecting a generation who has gone through education, expressed that the most important and last process in the industry is heat treatment and the main industry firms inspect the heat treatments firstly for their suppliers.
Stating that their most important problem is not being able to use Turkish Eximbank credits, Yavuz told that they are not considered within the scope of incentives. Touching upon that since the heat treatment sector supporting the manufacturing of advanced technology products does not carry out manufacturing and just provides service, any incentive cannot be provided as a support, Yavuz asked for support of ICI for tracking their problems.
Yavuz shared the information that in order to use exercise the supports provided for the industry by KOSGEB and TUBITAK, a declination should be realized for the industry. Stating that the sector enabling the manufacturing of advanced technological products although it uses the highest technology for the business it carries out for Fason, it is within the scope of the incentives of middle and low levels, Yavuz mentioned that it should be changed.
Bahçıvan, the Chairperson of ICI said that they are aimed to reveal out the sectors which contribute to the industry in the new period and solve their problems so that they can reach to a particular level as well. Mentioning that they cannot control all sectors and their problems as ICI, Bahçıvan stated that they want to be in close relationship with the sectors, so.
Bahçıvan gave the information that they want to set a vision at the solution point by being fed by the associations like MISAD. Indicating that they want to be act together in the relations with bureaucracy and ministries, Bahçıvan emphasized that ICI is the touchstone where Turkish industry was born and they undertake supporting all activities which will carry the industry further points as their duty.
Bahçıvan said that they became the bridge for bringing particular sectors with vocational schools by establishing cooperation with İstanbul Directorate for National Education in the last year in terms of the problems of the industry in education and qualified staff. Bahçıvan stated that if MISAD has a pilot school idea, they can have role in this issue and take the necessary steps.